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We are specialized in commercial air conditioning coils cleaning on AHUs, PCUs, FCUs, Computer air Units, service and maintenance of HVAC SYSTEM – in 5 star hotel guest room fcu coil cleaning in following properties.

HVAC Services

Professional Air Conditioning Services



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Our Services

Commercial Coil Cleaning

  • Clean coils can help you optimize your HVAC system efficiency up to 40%
  • Increase the life of your HVAC systems by not making it work as hard or as long
  • Increase air flow to you building
  • Regular coil maintenance will lower the level of contaminants and aid in improving indoor air quality

Ahu /fcu/pcu/chiller Maintence



Heating Coil Replacements /heating Coil Service And Repair

Our professional HVAC heating contractors can install many various types of electrical heating devices in your home or business. With our many years of experience you can rest assured that your electric heating installation will be prompt and efficient!

Air Filteration

Air Filtrations System Installation / safe Discarding old filters

State-of- the-art comprehensive, intelligent air quality systems embrace all aspects of heating, cooling, comfort, health and energy efficiency. Whether you’re confronted with dust, mold, pollen, air that is too dry, or even just annoying hot and cold spots, air cleaning and purification systems are the solution.

About Us

We are specialised in commercial air conditioning coils cleaning on AHUs, PCUs, FCUs, Computer air Units, service and maintenance.

We breathe about 25 litres of air every day, but do you know if every breath you take is really healthy clean air? Evaporator Coils / Cooling Coils provide an ideal environment for breeding bacteria and other microorganisms – some dangerous, even deadly.

Yearly cleaning ensure energy efficiency and a healthy environment. More than 70% of all indoor air quality problems involve air conditioning systems. Dirty cooling coils also result in higher electricity bills, reduced air supply flow and Premature failure of expensive Hvac components and drain blockage resulting in flooding ceilings and damage.

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Cleaned cooling coils in guest rooms

As you know Energy savings and saving on mechanical break down /guest complaints /drain block water damage / mould smell will be significantly reduced in coming months after coil cleaning as blocked coil will not have much heat exchange due to that chiller has to take full load all the time even in the winter that will sky rocket the Energy bills

48% to 60% saving in Energy bills yearly After coil cleaning AHU,FCU,Room AC
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Professional Air Conditioning Services

We service air conditioning in hotels, apartment building, hospitals and offices – not project too big or too

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